
Baptism makes explicit what God wants for each of us: to belong to God's family. Baptism is an early celebration along our lifelong journey of faith. To prepare for Baptism is to make a commitment to deepen our faith throughout our lives. Call the Parish Office at 509-926-7133 for complete information.
OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation of Children) is a preparation series for youth who are not yet baptized or confirmed. The series will help participants deepen their understanding of our faith, assist in developing a spirituality of life and prayer, and integrate participants into our parish. Please call the parish office at 509-926-7133 or email Gina McCauley at [email protected].
Confirmation/1st Eucharist - The preparation series will explain a restored order approach to Confirmation/1st Eucharist for parents and have sessions for children and parents to help deepen each candidate's understanding of the sacraments. Confirmation/1st Eucharist celebrates the fullness of each candidate's initiation into our Catholic Christian community of faith. Please contact the parish office at 509-926-7133 for the Parish and Diocesan sacramental policies or email Gina McCauley at [email protected].
Reconciliation is a beautiful way in which we celebrate God's forgiving love for each of us and our reconciliation with our community of faith. We may (and do!) sin... yet God always welcomes us back wholeheartedly. Preparation is open to anyone who has reached the age of reason. Preparation for this Sacrament begins each Fall in our Sacramental Prep Sunday school classes 9:00 - 10:15am